Trigger Warning

I was working with my Google Calendar and going through old tasks in the list and came across a link to a video I saved back in 2016. It’s of a professor at Loyola University talking about the trigger warning he gives his students each semester. In short, “Yes, this is a painfully boring class, but you will learn things even if you hate it.” What’s the class?


Now, a word-nerd like me would probably love that. After 7 years of teaching, I fully accept that not all students are as passionate about the English language and what it can and can’t do. I even accept that most adults seem to eschew proper grammar in favor or text speak or regional dialects in speech, even when their job is to edit files. The phrase “needs done” is something I never heard until I moved to Colorado and it’s like nails on a chalkboard to me.

The fact that I could still laugh so hard at this video and relate to it so much reinforced that I’m in the program for me. I love writing and I’m honing my creative writing abilities again in it and it feels so good to be doing so.

Screenshot from The Baltimore Sun article.


McIntyre, John. (2016, September 08). John E. McIntyre’s trigger warning. The Baltimore Sun.

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