A Different Path

This quote has been on my mind of late. Being locked up from what we considered our normalcy has resulted in some serious reflection and perusing of inspirational posts on a Pinterest board. That reflection is what led me to Full Sail’s Creative Writing program in the first place. I was set to begin a …

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What’s Important to You?

Seems like a simple question, right? What’s important to you? Answer it and you’ll have a clear path of where to go and what to do. You’ll be able to discern exactly wat you want and will have no question on what you need to do to attain it. You will have achieved your goal, …

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Lead in a Way Others Will Follow

Feminist bastion of social justice and equality reform, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, died today at age 87 from complications with the pancreatic cancer she’s battled for years. She was a prominent icon in my world since her appointment to the court in 1993. She has always been an outspoken leader in fights against …

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This Is Not a BSB Fangirl Post

Anyone who knows me knows of my undying love for the Backstreet Boys. I remember their first concert in Chicago—September 27, 1997 at the Vic. (Yes, I had to look the exact date up. I’m not that crazy.) I didn’t attend; we went to the homecoming dance that night. We were juniors, after all. We …

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Changing the World

There are students at the school I teach at who are changing the way our district is handling BIPOC curriculum. They’ve demanded inclusion, they’ve demanded change, and they’ve been heard. This week, the Board of Education officially adopted the Know Justice Resolution. Four high school young women are among the most inspirational people of 2020 …

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