Surprise! Gaming Marketing Emails are Still Sexist!

Every time we think we make some little bit of progress, someone does something that makes it clear there is still a ton of work to do. Some things are mistakes (that some dude bro must have thought was hysterical when they penned it) and when they’re rectified, it’s at least a small step forward. …

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Why People are So Quick to Disbelieve Amber Heard

When I started to hear bits about what Depp’s witnesses said on the stand, I started rethinking my admittedly automatic support for Heard. I had been firmly against Depp for years. I think it’s important to believe survivors in a world that habitually ignores them, especially those that are victims of powerful men who tend …

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BTS (Bangtan Boys)

Shifting gears completely from what’s been dominating my mind the past few months, can we just talk about how amazing BTS is? Yes, the K-pop group. I’ve only really been into them since the fall when they released Dynamite, a fun disco-inspired song meant to bring joy to listeners. It’s incredibly catchy and infectious. I’m …

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The Power of Positive Thinking

This is the power of positive thinking in meme form. Confession time. I love The Secret. Not because it’s some huge revelation or some game changing new information, and certainly not the somewhat predatory marketing tactics, but because it got the idea of positive thinking mainstream. For a few years, I would feel myself sliding …

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